Wow I can hardly believe it was ever summer it feels so nice to be back with my kids at school...But I have made a promise to myself that I will keep up my creations...if for no other reason I will now have even more wonderful people leaving "presents" ( unwanted yet still useful items) on my desk ,on my cart ,in my closet ,lol... I love that I have even in a small way shifted anyone's thinking about throwing verus repurposing. If at some point someone in my circle of acquaintances stops before tossing something and thinks" maybe this could be....maybe Amy could use this for...." I will be so happy.
But this blog will also give my teacher brain even more chances to share. So look forward to more posts with tutorials or intersting projects my students and I get up to.
I'll continue to show my work and feel free to contact me if you see something that strikes your fancy. I'll also post local events and I love having vistors in the booth. Recently a customer inquired about private parties....well I am an art teacher ;) I do LOVE teaching folks of all ages. If a fairy garden party sounds like your idea or child's idea of the best party ever,let's chat! If you have a bunch of those"glass trays" and want to have a party with some friends to customize them then i say let's do it! :) goodness if you find something you think might be interesting but are nervous to give it a go solo or found some intersting materials.....who knows what fun we could get up to ;)