Sunday, August 7, 2016

Borax Beauties :)

I always get a lot of questions, comments, and interest when I use any type of borax crystal in my work.I tucked a crystallized shell into this garden and there was many a question about it's origins.

Although the crystals are pretty simple they do require some adult assistance. I've had amazing success with both pipe cleaners and shells in the borax solution but i've seen all sorts of fantastic things done with books and other crazy objects. I've also seen where you created a shell of sorts from baked polymer clay but haven't tried it.If you do let me know how it goes!

Here's a link to the shell one and i believe it has some other handy links from that page as well :) click here :)
The recipe they use is a bit weaker then what i do but borax can be hard to dissolve especially if not fresh. 

a couple troubleshooting tips
  • 1. if you don't have crystals forming after they have been in solution overnight remove shells and reheat solution adding more borax and dissolving completely. Your crystals on will fall off if you put your object back in the solution when its still very hot but they will redevelop.
  • 2.metallic pipe-cleaners seem to work the best. they show up for color pretty well.
  • 3.make sure your objects don't touch or they will become connected.
  • 4. if hanging objects and you plan to cut the string off, use thread  it's much thinner and doesn't show as much.

Have fun, be safe and let me know how it goes! :) 

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